ABTECH was founded in 1995 to serve as a research and development company specializing in the development and application of chemical and biological sensor technologies for the test and measurement markets: bioanalytical laboratory, environmantl diagnostics, biotechnology process monitoring and biomedical diagnostics markets. ABTECH is the originator and holder of proprietary interests in "Electroactive Polymer Sensor Technology(SM)".

At ABTECH we see our purpose and our strength as our ability to work closely with our customers, to understand their test and measurement needs, and to address these needs with appropriate chemical sensor and biosensor technologies keeping in mind the highest of quality, service and economy. Our commitment to the needs of the life science and biotechnology communities, in each of the above market sectors, is reflected in our motto "Sensing for Life(SM)".

Our corporate activities are divided into two business groups.

The Laboratory Products Group supports a direct sale business with some limited marketing, distribution and sale through the catalog businesses of other instrument companies. These products generally reflect our combined corporate knowledge in microlithography, BIOMEMS, biosmart materials, bioassay development and molecular and cell biology and includes multi-element impedimetric arrays, sensor devices, transducers, micro-electrodes, research instruments and software that are used by academic, industrial, and government researchers in developing and performing unique biosensor-based enzyme, immunodiagnostic and DNA-based bioassays.

The Advanced Products Group
is responsible for development of the Company's major proprietary products. The Company's proprietary biosensor technology is being developed for the point-of-concern biomedical diagnostics market such as the physician's office and near patient care situations. Emphasis is on: i) early cancer detection, ii) accurate patient dosing, and iii) trauma stratification. This group also works with corporate partners to develop biological (enzyme, antibody, DNA) sensor products and chemical (gas, water, soil) sensor products to meet their emerging market needs. An example of the activities of the latter includes our BioSenSys™ Multi-analyte Workstation for biosensor-based immunodiagnostic assays. Central to ABTECH's suite of advanced products is its proprietary biochip technology. Based on impedemetric detection of chemically amplified biochemical signals, ABTECH's biochip technology gives rise to a suite of enzyme biochips (enzyme biosensors),  immunodiagnostic biochips (immunosensors), and DNA biochips (genosensors) that are well suited to the  physician's office, emergency room care and the pathology lab markets.

Today ABTECH has parallel interests in a biomedical diagnostics company that delivers biosensor devices, biosensor instruments and biosensor systems to the biomedical research community and the point-of-concern biomedical diagnostics market. ABTECH is developing and marketing a suite of instrumented tests for the physician's office, emergency room care and the pathology laboratory.

ABTECH's mission is to deliver chemical and biosensor-based test and measurement products which are cost effective, reliable, and meet the sensitivity, detection limits, and convenience requirements of the markets which they serve

This site provides general information about ABTECH Scientific, Inc. -- the company, its products, and its people. It also provides convenient links to other sites where our technology and products have been used and/or commented upon. Click here for Customer Service

ABTECH's worldwide business is organized into a Laboratory Products Group and an Advanced Products Group.

  • Bioanalytical Laboratory Products for research and development.

  • Biomedical Diagnostics and Biomaterials Products.

ABTECH Scientific is an emerging growth company with an aggressive growth strategy that is engineered with a thoroughly researched business plan, experienced management, and strategic research and development partnerships/collaborations with University and Corporate partners.

ABTECH is managed by a Board of Directors that meets twice annually, a Scientific Advisory Board of accomplished scientists drawn form academe and industry, and a Business Advisory Board of seasoned business professionals.