For customer service information and/or technical support please fill in the following form:


Required customer service information:

* First name:

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* Street Address:

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* State:       Zip:
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* Email: (if none, type "none")

* Voice Number: (if none, type "none")

* Fax Number: (if none, type "none")

Please check the appropriate boxes:
Food Industry


Bioanalytical Chemistry

Environmental Diagnostics


Biomedical Diagnostics



Biosensor Development


Micro Electrochemistry

Chemical Sensor Development
HPLC/LC Detection
Polymer Materials Characterization



Please send me Product Literature on:

EPSIS - Electroactive Polymer Sensor Interrogation System
EPMEs - Electroactive Polymer Transducers
IMEs - Interdigitated Microsensor Electrodes
IAMEs and IAIMEs - Independently Addressable Microband Electrodes
ECCs - Electrochemical Cell-on-a-Chip
MDEAs - Microdisc Electrode Arrays
Accessories Catalog - The Laboratory Products Group
BioSenSys - Handheld Diagnostics Workstation

I have other questions/comments:

and start again


ABTECH wishes to maintain a record of the individuals requesting customer service information. This record is for administrative purposes only. In the event of changes or additions to our customer service package, ABTECH will use this record to notify all requestors of changes or additions.

NOTE: It is essential that you provide a complete and accurate mailing address. The web-site version of our product catalogues do not contain all the necessary technical support information. The information package you receive contains details of product specifications and application notes essential to the successful use of our products. This information package and product catalog will be mailed to the address you provide on this page.

If you are having problems with this form:
Be sure that your browser can handle forms. If your browser cannot use this page, you may request customer service information by sending an e-mail to or traditional mail to:

Customer Service Department:
ABTECH Scientific, Inc.
800 East Leigh Street, Suite 52, Richmond, Virginia 23219. USA
Tel: +001 804 827 7029
Fax: +001 804 783 7830

Thank you.