Research interests are in the areas of science, technology and applications of field responsive polymers in biotechnical applications (i.e. polymers of biotechnical significance) (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering), bioelectronics for bioanalytical biomedical devices (Electrical and Computer Engineering) and near patient diagnostics and human trauma (Bioengineering).
A. Structure/property relations in polymeric thin films: biomimetic films/membranes and organized supramacromolecular assemblies with emphasis on small molecule, ion, and electron transport.
B. Biosensors and bioelectronics: electroactive and electrically conducting polymers and carbon nanotubes with conferred biospecificity. Direct biosensors and bioelectrochemistry.
C. Surface chemistry of polymers related to bio-immobilizations and biocompatibility.
D. Polymer coatings for corrosion protection of metallic and semiconductor substrates in implant and in vivo devices.
E. Biochips: microfabricated solid state devices containing transducer-active elements based upon organic supramacromolecular assemblies and chemically responsive polymers for DNA hybridization.
1. Chemical and biosensor devices based on redox-active and electroconductive polymers. Thin polymer films fabricated on metallic and semiconductor device substrates - Bioactive smart materials - the integration of molecular biorecognition and electronic transduction.
2. The application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and electroanalytical chemistry to the study of electron and ion transport, and the mechanism of redox mediation in electroconductive polymer thin films and chemically responsive hydrogels.
3. Organic thin films, spread monolayers, Langmuir-Blodgett films, and supramacromolecular assemblies applied to membranes, chemical and biosensors, and electronic devices. Synthetic polymer chemistry at surfaces and interfaces.
4. AC impedance spectroscopy applied to the study of ion and small molecule transport in organic thin films and bio-membranes as it relates to signal transduction.
5. Biotechnical applications of chemically responsive electroconductive hydrogels: Polymer-protein, polymer-DNA, and polymer-whole cell interactions for molecular biosensor, biochip, and tissue biosensor applications.
6. Chemoreception -- Electronic Nose: An impedimetric 8-element array sensor for sub-ppm VOC detection and monitoring.
7. Chemoreception -- Artificial Tongue: An impedimetric 24-element array sensor to simulate the physiological responses of the tongue.
2010 Discussion Leader: 2010 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on “Electrochemistry “, January 10-15, 2010. Four Points Sheraton / Holiday Inn Express, Ventura, CA, USA.
2009 Appointed Member, International Panel of the Higher Education Authority (HEA) of Ireland. Review of Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions, Cycle 5 Evaluation Process €300MM. Other members included:
Prof. Tony Cass, Chemical Biology, Deputy Director and Research Director (Bionanotechnology) in the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London.
Dr. Barbara J. de Lateur, Distinguished Service Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Lawrence Cardinal Shehan Professor and Director Emerita Joint Professor of Health Policy and Management, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University.
Prof. Kenneth A. Marx, Dept of Chemistry, UMass Lowell.
Prof. Philip Blower, School of Medicine, King's College London
2009 Discussion Leader: 2009 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Biomaterials: Biocompatibility and Tissue Engineering “The Engineering of Healing: From Molecular Mediation to Tissue Constructs” July 19-24, 2009, Holderness School, Plymouth, NH
2009 Invited Speaker: Symposium B: Nanomaterials for Bioimaging and Biosensing, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, (ICMAT 2009), Singapore. (June 28th – July 3rd, 2009)
2009 Invited Speaker: Institute for Biological Engineering (IBE 2009), Santa Clara, California, USA.
2009 Colloquium Address: Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Illinois (UIC), Chicago, Illinois, USA. (April 30th, 2009)
2009 Appointed Member, National Academies Panel on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (2009), National Research Council. “..will assess the scientific and technical work performed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory.”
2008 Keynote Speaker: The 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME2008), Singapore. December 3-6th, 2008.
2008 Profiled in January 2008 issue of South Carolina Business, the publication of the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce.
2007 Distinguished Lecture Award for BioNanoMaterials and Biomedical Nanotechnology (December, 2007), Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, (IBN) Singapore.
2007 Guest Editor: NanoBiotechnology
2006 Clemson Board of Trustees Award
2006 Fellow, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers
2005 Profiled in January 2005 issue of Biotechniques Vol. 38, No. 6 (2005) p 843, the journal of Biotechnology.
2005 Keynote address: 2005 Annual General Meeting of the Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC)
2005 Keynote address: 2005 Annual General Meeting of the Richmond Joint Engineers Council (RJEC).
2004 Invited Lecturer in Nanobiotechnology (April 2004), Technology Forum on Nanobiotechnology, US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Washington DC, USA.
2004 Distinguished Lecture in Bioengineering (March 2004), National Security Agency and University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA.
2004-2006 Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of Biological Complexity, Virginia Commonwealth University
2003 Distinguished Lecture in Pioneering Biomedical Research (October 2003), Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
2003 Distinguished Lecture in Polymer Research (October 2003), Program in Polymer Science and Technology (PPST), Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1999 1999 SEAM Award “… for taking conductive polymers to biological applications”. Herman Mark Polymer Institute, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York.
1995 Invited Lecturer: The First Asia -Pacific Symposium on Biosensors; University of Wollongong: Australia; December 4 - 6, 1995.
1995 Visiting Scientist (06/1995 - 06/1996): Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218.
1995 Plenary Lecturer: The XI th Conference of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; University of the West Indies, St. Augustine: Republic of Trinidad and Tobago; March 6 - 10, 1995.
1993 Adjunct Professor of Materials Science (09/1993 - 06/1995): Department of Materials Science, Polymer Science Program, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802
1994 Co-chairman, Symposium on Field Responsive Polymers, 35th IUPAC Macro Meeting, Akron, Ohio, 1994.
1996 Fellow, American Institute of Chemists
Life Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Life Member, MIT Chapter Sigma Xi.
1979-1980 Commonwealth Postgraduate Scholarship Award to attend the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), England.
1980-1983 UWI Postgraduate Scholarship Award to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Science and technology (MIT).
1977-1980 UWI Undergraduate Bursary Award for academic merit.
1975 High school (6th Form) awards for academic merit.Top
04/10 - current:
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering and Science, Clemson University,
Clemson, South Carolina 29634, USA.
01/06 - current:
Dow Chemical Professor
Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, College of Engineering and Science, Clemson University,
Clemson, South Carolina 29634, USA.
Professor, Bioengineering, College of Engineering and Science, Clemson University,
Clemson, South Carolina 29634, USA.
07/00 - 12/05:
Professor, Chemical Engineering , School of Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, Virginia 23284-3028, USA.
Professor, Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, Virginia 23284-3028, USA.
07/98 - 12/05:
Professor, Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, Virginia 23284-3028, USA.
03/87 - Current:
Founder, President and Scientific Director, AAI-ABTECH, ABTECH Scientific, Inc., Virginia
Biotechnology Research Park, 911 East Leigh Street, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, USA.
06/95 - 06/96:
Visiting Scientist, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218., USA.
09/93 - 06/95:
Adjunct Professor of Materials Science, Department of Materials Science, Penn State
University, University Park, PA 16802., USA
04/87 - 09/87:
Director of Research, Ohmicron Corporation, 108 West Franklin Avenue, Pennington, New
Jersey 08534, U.S.A.
07/86 - 03/87:
Applications Manager, Molecular Electronics Corporation Torrance, California 90503, USA.
09/83 - 06/86:
Research Engineer, Research Division, W. R. Grace & Co., Columbia, Maryland 21044,
Society Memberships
Division of Polymer Chemistry (POLY)
Division of Polymer Materials Science and Engineering (PMSE)
Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry (COLL)