The Laboratory Products Group manufactures, markets and sells research and development products such as sensor devices, biochip substrates, transducers, electrodes, research instruments and associated software that are used by academic, industrial, and government researchers in developing and performing unique chemical and biosensor-based enzyme, immunodiagnostic, DNA, organelle, and whole cell bioassays. Scroll down this list for your product selection.

x x x Independently Addressable Microband Electrode (IAIME) AND Interdigitated Microsensor Electrodes (IMEs) each of 2 microns line and 1 micron space:
Gold (IAME-co-IME 2-1 Au), Platinum (IAME-co-IME 2-1 Pt)
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ime3s.jpg (3684 bytes) x Interdigitated Microsensors Electrodes Interdigitated Microsensor Electrodes (IMEs) or Interdigitated Array Electrodes (IDAs):
Unpackaged (left) and Packaged (right) Gold (IME Au), Platinum (IME Pt), Indium Tin Oxide (IME ITO)
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x x x Electrochemical-Cell-on-a-Chip (ECC):
Gold (IME Au), Platinum (IME Pt), Indium Tin Oxide (IME ITO)
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stca-2-ps.jpg (4429 bytes) x x Accessories for Interdigitated Microsensor Electrodes (IMEs), Electrochemical-Cell-on-a-Chip (ECC) and Independently Addressable Microband Electrodes (IAMEs):
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iaimeb.gif (3181 bytes) x  iameb.gif (3181 bytes) Independently Addressable Interdigitated Microsensor Electrodes (IAIMEs) and Independently Addressable Microband Electrodes (IAMEs)::
Gold (IAIME Au), Platinum (IAIME Pt), Indium Tin Oxide (IAIME ITO)
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x x Single Disc Electrode Single Disc Electrodes (SDEs):
Gold (SDE Au 0.1 and SDE Au 0.01), Platinum (SDE Pt 0.01 and SDE Pt 0.01)
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x x Microdisc Electrode Array 50micron diameter Microdisc Electrode Arrays (MDEAs):
Gold (MDEA Au), Platinum (MDEA Pt)
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Miniature Electrodes