Laboratory Products |
The Laboratory Products Group manufactures, markets and sells research and development products such as sensor devices, biochip substrates, transducers, electrodes, research instruments and associated software that are used by academic, industrial, and government researchers in developing and performing unique chemical and biosensor-based enzyme, immunodiagnostic, DNA, organelle, and whole cell bioassays. Scroll down this list for your product selection. Request a Laboratory Products Catalog from Customer Service. Subscribe to our eNewsletter. View a list of recent Technical Publications. Here's how to Order Products. IME Sensors || ECC Devices|| IAME Sensors || SDE Electrodes || MDEA Devices || Mini-electrodes || EPME Sensors || Bioanalytical Biosensors || EPSIS || Flow Cells || PMEs || Price Lists |
Independently Addressable
Microband Electrode (IAIME) AND Interdigitated Microsensor
Electrodes (IMEs) each of 2 microns line and 1 micron
space: |
Interdigitated Microsensor
Electrodes (IMEs) or Interdigitated Array Electrodes
(IDAs): |
(ECC): |
Accessories for Interdigitated Microsensor Electrodes (IMEs), Electrochemical-Cell-on-a-Chip (ECC) and Independently Addressable Microband Electrodes (IAMEs): |
Independently Addressable
Interdigitated Microsensor Electrodes (IAIMEs) and Independently
Addressable Microband Electrodes (IAMEs):: |
Single Disc Electrodes
(SDEs): |
Microdisc Electrode Arrays
(MDEAs): |
Miniature Electrodes |
Miniature Reference Electrode (Model RE803-X -- Ag/AgCl, 3MCl-) |
Miniature pH Electrode (CPE 905-X - glass) |
Miniature Oxygen Electrodes (OS-418) |
Planar Electrodes (Au, Pt and ITO) |
Planar Metal Electrodes (PMEs) -- Gold (PME Au), Platinum (PME Pt): |
Planar Indium Tin Oxide Electrodes (PITOEs): |
(PMEMABioChip): |
![]() |
Electroconductive Polymer Microsensor Electrodes (EPMEs): Polyaniline, Polypyrrole, and Polythiophene |
Bioanalytical Biosensors with specified surface functional groups. |
Flow Cells: Gas/Vapor Controlled Environment Cell (CEC) and Liquid Flow Cell Detector (LFCD). |
IQ 240 ISFET pH Sensor, mV and Thermometer System. Bench/Portable pH Meter with standard or micro non-glass ISFET probe. |
On-line brochure |
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Ann M. Wilson, Manager,
Applications Development ABTECH
Scientific, Inc.
800 East Leigh Street, Suite 52, Richmond,
Virginia 23219
Telephone Number: +1-804-783-7829 Fax Number:
Last Revision 04/24/2005, © 1995-2005 ABTECH Scientific, Inc.